
The 3 Ways to Keep a Check on Your Security Guards

how to check your security guard

Undoubtedly, you would have hired one of the best security services in Cambridge for your office premises, but are they (security guards) working efficiently for your security? It’s always suspicious but still, you do not pay heed to the same thinking everything is under control. Trust is fine, but blind trust is not good for your business.

Most security service providers keep a proper record of their guards along with the clients they serving and present a weekly, monthly, or yearly report. It’s a great initiative from a company to assure the client that they are working in the right way. But as a company owner, it’s your responsibility to stay vigilant and keep a check on your security personnel. Keeping an eye on them will help you prevent any unwanted activity and protect your employees now and forever. Besides, you will get the most out of the hired security services in Cambridge.

Keeping a check on the security services does not mean you have to keep aside all your important business tasks; you only need to follow a few ways. You have to be a bit active and take some time out of your busy schedule.

In this blog, we have the 3 major ways that you can follow and ensure that you have the best UK security service for your office premises.

Arrive early than your usual time

Not every day, but from time to from you should surprise your security teams by arriving early from the usual time. It’s because the security guards are relaxed and consider themselves as a boss when you are not around. They think there is no to keep a check on them.

Your random early arrival will be a shock for them and you will get to know a lot about the guards through their indifferent actions. If there is nothing wrong, you will find the things as normal as other days.

Show up at nights 

Just like your morning surprise entry, you should show up at midnight. It’s something your guards would never expect. At night, the guards mostly doze-off or stay out from the office premises to display some unacceptable behaviour. According to them, there is no one to notice. The best time to show up is between 12 am and 4 am.

With just one or two midnight visits, you will bring fear in the minds of the security guards and we are sure they will never attempt doing anything wrong.

Install and check video surveillance system

After hiring security services in Cambridge, most business owners drop the idea of installing video surveillance systems or remove the ones that are already installed. The primary reason to do so is to save the additional expense on the security.

According to us, even after hiring security services, you should have a video surveillance system because things can happen within a second, without getting noticed to human eyes. The same surveillance system will help you keep an eye on your security guards. You should play the recording whenever you are free.

Now you know very well the ways to check if your security guards are working. So, we hope you will take up your responsibility and implements these ways to ensure everything goes well.

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