
specialized security

Hire Security Guards

We’re known for hiring ex-armed forces members who have had extensive militaristic training and therefore know how to handle situations with calm but effective approaches. Making our security team the perfect choice for giving you peace of mind. Hire a security guard for events, construction site, school, personal, residential security and commercial security  and providing protection 24/7 to monitor and meet the demand of satisfaction.

Bodyguards have enhanced professional attitudes, ethical approaches, and significant knowledge. Which they apply exceptionally well, which allows them to build a strong level of trust with our clients. 

Hire Bodyguard for as little as £12.99 per hour, for a full list of our security guard London services prices, click here.

You can call us on to :+44 (0)203 996 2000  or request a call back via.
PLEASE NOTE: That we do a minimum of four hours inside the M25 and a minimum of 6 outside the M25

Our security guards are available to hire day and night for whatever you may need:

  1. security guards in londonHire professional security guards
  2. security guards in londonEvent security 
  3. security guards in londonResidential security guards to protect your property
  4. security guards in londonConcierge guards
  5. security guards in londonDoormen or bouncers for your pub or restaurant
  6. security guards in londonRetail security for both shops and shopping centers
  7. security guardsEvents-cover guards for your concert, festival or carnival
  8. security hireConstruction site and Industrial security guards
  9. Security guards to man airports, schools, front desks and CCTV systems
  10. Ex-military guard and EX-SAS bodyguard for hire expert protection for VIPS
  11. Hire SIA Approved guards
  12. Hire K9 Security Dog Patrolling with trained Guards.
close protection

" Security Guard In London And Require Specialist Security Service"

construction site security services

Hire security guard for specialist services

If there is a service we have not mentioned here or you require an ex-military guard and ex-sas bodyguard specialist service like events security. Best security company in london, provide Private bodyguard in london for special services. Please call us now on +44 (0)203 996 2000 to discuss.
For further information like how much does it cost to appoint a security guard or services, Calle 1st Shield  Ltd today on +44 (0)203 996 2000 or request a call back via Email:SALES@1STSHIELDSECURITY.CO.UK to hire one of our expert security guards.

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