Ex Armed Forces

Our Ambitions

1st Shield aims to give back as a company by providing veteran soldiers the opportunity to start working again after leaving the armed security forces. Many soldiers leave the armed security forces and, due to not being able to find employment, struggle severely, with a significant percentage ending up living on the streets as a result. Our company is all about giving thanks for their efforts and service by giving them the opportunity to continue working and readjusting to living in our economy.
armed forces

Our Approach

Due to our ethical, staff-centered approach, our workforce offers a professionalism, commitment, and integrity that’s unmatched in the security business. We are always prepared to go that ‘extra mile’ to ensure exceptional service and quality. Many of our staff have a background in the armed security forces, joining us from amongst the most prestigious, renowned regiments and battle-honored brigades. Their military experience ensures our team has the knowledge, training, and mentality to succeed in even the most challenging security roles – it’s a talent that’s hard to find.

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